In this century, where wewe are making progress by becoming a multiplanetmulti-planet species, which used to be a dream and is currently portraitedportrayed in science fiction movies. Companies like SPACEX, Boeing, and Federal Agency NASA have various planplans on the LUNA and MARs baseMARS bases. With this type of advancement in technology, there isare more and more resources put into interplanetary travel and, making it easier for humanhumans to travel. Zero gravity is still a huge milestone for many astronauts even now. From all the missions to space, we have learned that humanhumans can withstand short periodperiods of zero-g. However, there are more profound effects like crew health, Safetysafety, and individual performances during longer exposures to zero-g. These effects are huge risks that can compromise the missions and the crew. This has limited space travel to low earth orbit and minimum trips to moon.

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