MajorThe major security incidents that were chosen for the purpose of this research were primarily terrorist attacks attributed to jihadists in the European Union from 2015 to 2018. Out ofOf the 37 terrorist attacks that fellfall into this group, seven had beenwere chosen for the further analyses. Selection criteria were the largest number of victims and consequently the largest media impact of such events. Incidents chosen were as follows:

1. Ile de France attacks, including Charlie Hebdo shooting that occurred from 7 to 9 January 2015

2. November 2015 Paris attacks that occurred on 13 and 14 November 2015

3. 2016 Brussels bombings that occurred on 22 March 2016

4. 2016 Nice
attacks that occurred on 14 July 2016

5. 2016 Berlin attack that occurred on 19 December 2016

6. Manchester Arena bombing
that occurred on 22 May 2017

7. 2017 Barcelona attacks
that occurred on 17 August 2017


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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