Common mistakes in English

지난 몇년간 억대의 글자 수를 교정해왔습니다. 여기 저희가 찾은 흔한 실수들을 적어봤습니다. 교정된 실수의 빈도 수를 토대로 나열했습니다. 정보 보호를 위해 모든 교정을 나열하진 않았습니다.

#501 got was
#502 concern concerned
#503 those the
#504 expectation expectations
#505 by from
#506 email emails
#507 info information
#508 use uses
#509 got get
#510 increase increased
#511 from with
#512 Please can Can
#513 years year
#514 week weeks
#515 didnt didn't
#516 did do
#517 and please Please
#518 compare compared
#519 Pleas Please
#520 is it
#521 day to day day-to-day
#522 30pm 30 pm
#523 that those
#524 min minutes
#525 Morning Good morning
#526 helps help
#527 account accounts
#528 it's is
#529 children children's
#530 inform informed
#531 First The first
#532 don't doesn't
#533 idea ideas
#534 So Therefore
#535 report reports
#536 condition conditions
#537 year year's
#538 pass past
#539 wants want
#540 on from
#541 it I
#542 looking look
#543 that to
#544 it its
#545 though through
#546 I and
#547 and also Also
#548 of that
#549 reach reached
#550 individual individuals

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