Isn't it odd the situation this pandemic has brought to us? When some say goodbye to dear ones from afar, or at the closest through the glass doors and windows, some hunt for the beneficiary of their neighbor’s death; another odd class,situation is when some are dying of eating too much, and some are dying of starvation. This visible witness has challenged us about the condition of our humanity, and we must be fully armed with an exemplary life, taking the task of communicating the truth and justice to the rest of the world. The success of our tenure with a tiny accomplishment indicates a team synergy (NCFSK) of each individual’s cooperative involvement, and stands as an exemplarya perfect example of the principle ‘Together we can accomplish greater..
I wish the same for our community as our NCFSK leaders, that we may all embrace involvement rather than desolation.
May we choose to stoop down to cultivate our inner field of humility, and then, take on the task of elevating NCFSK to a higher level in terms of our community relationships and academic excellence, even when we may be relatively lured to go by what it means to an individual or by self-cultured. God bless NCFSkNCFSK.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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