Hi Adel,

I'm so sorry to hear
this!that! It must've been a tough week.
letLet me help you with your troubles. Regarding the salary issue, it's connected tothese issues. Salary-related questions are the domain of the administrative department, so it iswould be better to liaise with the AAU advisor at (AAU@aramco(at AAU@aramco.com), he'll probably solvewho will likely be able to resolve your issue.

However, the iPad trouble
has tomust be related to IT issues.
For this problem, you can reach Ahmed, the(the IT guyguy), who stays in room 25 concerning this problem, but pay attentiontake care not to drop the iPad again, and try to be caringmindful in general about your belongings to preventavoid such incidents from happeningin the future.

I wish you a scary Halloween day, and
please let me know if you need anything with this new job, because I will be more than happy to help you.

yourYour friend,


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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