Hope you're doing goodwell and you are safe.

I am writing this email
with great pleasure to introduce my self to you and your valued organization.

My name is Narayanan Somasundaram, and I am a Specification Engineer associated withat Hilti & responsible to; I work with leading Architectsarchitects in Singaporethe Singaporean market.

As you are aware
, Hilti is one of the most notable playedplayers in the construction industry; for more than 75 years, we have providingprovided innovative solutionsolutions to ensure a high level of safety and productivity in day to dayday-to-day construction works and predominantly. Predominantly, we work closely with Specifiersspecifiers and Architectsarchitects to provide value addedvalue-added solutions.

We aim to work on
projectprojects with Architectsarchitects early in the design stage to provide solutions in line with global and national codes & regulations.

I have attached a brief
Flyer on the topic that weflyer. We would like have a close associationto build a partnership with your organization and to move forward . Not limited to the mention topic, weWe are more than happy to address onanswer any of your queries you may have.

request youwould like to provide a 30mins time for a teamshave 30-min Teams call to havemake a formal introduction and to briefly explain in brief on Hilti InnovativeHilti's innovative solutions to you.

Thanks &Thank you in advance. Looking forward to hearhearing from you.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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