mile'sMiles's mother was arranging for the fufuneral - newspapers neral in sacramento theSacramento talked about the outlaw caravan and how it would form at barger'sBarger's house at eleven on thursdaymorning theThursday morning. The angels have gone to plenty of funerals for their own. The details were already on the radio and in the news, but until this one, they had never tried to run people out of the procession for ninety miles along a major highway. thereThere was also a chance that the sacramentoSacramento police would try to keep them out of town. theThe word went out on mondayMonday and tuesdayTuesday by telephone thethat the angels want- edwanted a full dress rally. miles'sMiles's status was not at the point thethat the death of any angleangel requires a show of strength by the others. itIt is a form of affirmation, not for the dead but for the living. thereThere are no set penalties for not Sllowingfollowing up because none are necessary. inIn the cheap loneliness of every outlaw's life, a funeral is a bleak reminder that the tribe is smaller by one a funeral isat a time for counting the loyal and for seeing how many there are.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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