"Now this is more like itit!" says Zenitsu,. Akihiro smiles and remarks, "thisThis train is comfortable,.” Akihiro fixed his black and goldengold haori, smoothing out any minor imperfections as he seatedsat. "Would any of you gentlemen like tea?" Zenitsu and Akihiro both turned to look at the waitress standing asidebeside them,. "Yes, please," Akihiro answered, followed by Zenitsu nervously agreeingZenitsu's nervous agreement. After the waitress had poured, BothBboth of them took a sip of their tea, relaxing on instinct,. Zenitsu stares outside, focusing on the falling snow and the ice lacedice-laced train tracks, it's. "It's beginning to snow pretty hard," Akihiro said as they headheaded deeper throughoutinto Japan,. Zenitsu agreed, knowing it'sthat it was inconvenient in their mission and being relevant only because they hadn't dressed up for the cold, but. But even though Zenitsu found sense offelt at ease being with Akihiro, as if he waswere riding this train with a close friend, it felt heartwarming and made it easier to stay focused at times like these, coupled. Coupled with hot tea placed in cups in front of them, he was very content with today’s circumstances. “The demon we have to slay is this far away,” Zenitsu spokesaid, he grabsgrabbing a piece of paper and places within withplacing in his hand, his eyes start to gaze. He gazed at it. There had been a special mission reserved for just the two originallyof them. Originally, Rengoku was supposesupposed to be the one takeaccompany Akiriho on this mission with Akihiro, but he had other things he needed to do, sodo—so the only available Demon Slayer was Zenitsu, who'swhose breathing techniques waswere closest for what'sto what was needed infor this mission. It'sIt seems that ZenitsuZenitsu's and AkihiroAkihiro's techniques can be pairedpair unbelievably well with one another, and if this mission goeswent as planned, Zenitsu could even state proudly theythat they could defeat any demon who dared to stand in their path, notpath—not that he was planning on failing it.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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