Hello! My name is Marlus. I'm from Brazil, I livrelive in Bagé,. I'm 25 years old and I study engenier energyenergy engineering at UNIPAMPA, I'm 25 years old. I like to travel, and I am think in go to travelthinking of traveling to Argentina, Antárctica and Europe, but the main place that I want gogo to is theLondon, England, London, if happen the Coldplay's. If Coldplay happens to do a show there, I will go, if. If I may, because the money is important, well, do you have a question: Why do you want willto travel to Antárctica?
Well, because the place is beautiful,
the explain be inbecause of the icebergs and mountainmountains, and the sea around, so. So, if you have the oportunity ofopportunity to see it, and it is the one oportunityyour only opportunity, isit is awesome you to think that you isare special, because you makeare part of a select group of persons that may say wepeople who can say that they went, because I want go with my husband.
Well, about my life
... no existthere isn't much thatto tell,. I told everything that is important and I just want to say thanks for this oportunity ofopportunity to write in englishEnglish, because this language is foreign to me, so if I to get to learn more and more, I will stay happy, and howas I do not want pay, so I think that if you let me writingwrite here until 300 words, I will thanksbe thankful.

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