In the 1760s1760's English Jurist, William Blackstone, well-known for his Commentariescommentaries on the Laws of England, memorably wrote that, “It is better than ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer”. When I first read the quote, I strongly agreeagreed with Blackstone. The considerable and right way of thinking no innocent being should suffer. But asAs I keepkept reading the quote over and over, my opinion has changed,. I realize that to make such a robust statement you must understand the impact of the law and how would it affect us in the present time. Our crime rate has decreased from the 1760s1760's with the help of data and information. The American criminal justice system is the power that believes a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. The law gives everyone a fair chance and does its best at providing justice for all. We can all agree that we would like everyone who has madedone us wrong in the passpast to pay the cost; from the ex-boyfriend, to the person who took your parking spot two weeks ago. No one wants to be around someone who was done wrong by the law, that’s why we use the process of convicting someone based on evidence. I disagree with the BlackstoneBlackstone's claim, because his law does not offer assurance for the safety and fairness of the people. You cannot fix a criminal act with another. Blackstone said, it’s"It’s better to let ten guilty people free?free". Does that mean to expect ten more crimes, doescrimes? Does that mean to expect another hate crime, rape, homicide or even robbery.robbery? The chances are likely that once someone has committed a crime, they would involvebecome involved in more activities. My question to Blackstone is, who is"Who are those ten free guilty people arepeople? Are those your friends? Who gets to staysay what criminal act can be overlooked.overlooked?

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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