The wordsword myringotomy.( 22, 23) myringo(myringo + -tomy). means "eardrum cutting",. The middle ear is an anatomical room medial of the eardrum, which holds, ossicular chain OC(OC) and is covered with middle ear mucosa. It is aerated by Eustachianthe eustachian tube ET(ET) offering the normal environmental air pressure of the middle ear. The eardrum (synonymous to tympanic membrane)TMthe tympanic membrane(TM)) and the OC modify the transmission of sound energy to the inner ear, and their normal function is essential for good hearing. Dysfunction of the ET leads to a increasesincreased impedance of transmittingthe transmitting sound system, causescausing conductive hearing impairment CHI(CHI) of variable extent.
This problem can be resolved by
a procedure is called “myringotomy” and was first described in the seventeenth century in 1649, by Riolan, who was inadvertently penetrated tympanicthe tympanic membrane (TM) and causecaused hearing improvement [ 1 ]. In 1800, Astley Cooper revealed indications of myringotomy in the case of Eustachianeustachian tube dysfunction. He proposed the anterior inferior quarter of the TM, to keep ossicular chain organized, and he elaborated an instrument to perform myringotomy exactly [ 2 ]. In 1868, Hermann Schwartz explained the indications when he proposed only persistent MEE or painful AOM as cases suitable for myringotomy [ 3 ]. Many trials have been undertaken to prolong the healing process of the TM e.g. administration of foreign bodies like horsehairs or sulfuric acid in or on the perforation. In 1867 a galvanic device to produce thermic perforations

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