I'm writing because iI want to share my disappointment with you about my last purchase inat the Foot Locker store one week ago.

I found nice shoes on the sales, but iI tried on only a one shoe in the shop. I thoassughtmed that the second shoe wioulld be in the same size as the first.; I was wrong. When I came to home, I tried on bothis shoes once again and I discovered that one of them iwas biglarger. I was shocked, because both of thiese shoes indicated thavt they were the same size. I returned to the shop and asked for a refund. The manager told me that they never give refunds on things bought on sales. Thiese shoes were asn imperfect fit, so you may imagine how angry and disappointed I was with the reply. I have a feeling that I should gretceive a full refund, or at the very least, be able to exchange them.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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