My goal prior to 'esy' was building a connections with the students. Building relationships between the students and teachers is very important in the classroom. Relationships -building helps the students become comfortable with the teacher and the learning space. I accomplished my goal this summer by getting to know the students by asking them questions and playing games with them .

A challenge that I faced this summer is patience. I'm not
thea patient kind of person. I tends to get frustrated at times when things are going wrong . I handled this challenged by bremaining calm around the students and letting myself know that I'm here to help the students grow. .I know Ttherefore,at I needed to be patient with them and not get frustrated even when things gets rough.

I want to become a teacher . Therefore Tia experience was perfect for me. It thought me how to handle difficult situations and being patient . In the future I can used my calmness to help me be patient with the students .

Something that I will change at
'esy' is the kindergarteners schedule. I will change going outside before the second half of the day . I will bechanguse this brecause itk causes unlack of focuseness once the stuchildrents areturn back into the classroom .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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